Friday, October 25, 2019

Personal Narrative - Flying on the Wings of Love Essay -- Personal Nar

Flying on the Wings of Love The seat rumbled in the window seat of the plane. I looked out across the wing at the tiny men running frantically around in their orange vests. I started thinking about where I was about to go and my palms started to sweat. "Oh no" I thought to myself as I felt my body tensing. I was getting nervous although I had no clue about how my life was about to change. The plane began to move. We were taking off. With each minute, and each thought, I became more and more anxious. I looked out the window. The ground moved faster and faster, soon the gravel began to look like blurry streaks and suddenly the plane lifted. My mind cleared and I just watched... I looked down upon the tiny little towns, my nose pressed up against the cold, plastic window, and my imagination took over... I began to dream of living in foreign lands. A huge mansion on a vineyard property perhaps. The sunshine pouring through my window every morning. I then pictured myself getting up, putting on a silk robe and walking downstairs. The scent of grape blossoms ...

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