Sunday, October 20, 2019

Catalogue Of Christian Herasie Essay Research Paper

Catalog Of Christian Herasie Essay, Research Paper St Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, called the Council of Nicea to cover with some of the unorthodoxies of the clip, such as Arianism and Novatianism. This council lasted 2 months and 12 yearss, and had 318 bishops in attending. The benefits from this council were of import to reaffirming the religion. It stated that all people could be forgiven of their wickednesss, no affair how bad the wickedness is, every bit long as the individual was genuinely regretful for what he has done. The Nicene Creed is besides a merchandise of this council. The Nicene Creed is a announcement of our beliefs as Catholics. Council of Ephesus ( 431 ) The Council of Ephesus was called to cover with the unorthodoxies of Nestorianism and Pelagianism. There were over 200 bishops present, under the counsel of St. Cyril, who was stand foring Pope Celestine. The major parts to faith brought Forth from this council was that Mary is genuinely the female parent of God ( Theotokes ) , and that Jesus was both God and adult male in one being. Council of Chalcedon ( 451 ) The Council of Chalcedon was called by Pope Leo the Great to manage the unorthodoxy of Menophytism. The Emperor Marcian was in attending, along with over 150 Bishops. This council denounced Menophytism, and stated that Christ had two natures, Godhead and homo, which were both in one being. Fourth Lateran Council ( 1215 ) . Pope Innocent III held the Fourth Lateran Council as a call for religious reform. Over 1,200 of the universe s taking clerics were in attending at this council. This council did many things to confirm the religion. It brought about a reform in clerical life, spiritual direction in slang, condemned many of the unorthodoxies traveling on at the clip, seal of confession ( priests can non let go of what you confess during rapprochement ) , one-year confessions and Eucharist at Easter clip, and reaffirmed the seven sacraments and transubstantiation. Council of Constance ( 1414-1418 ) The Council of Constance was called during the Western Schism to make two things. The first was to stop the separation of the church, and the second was to declare who would be the Catholic Pope out of the 3 Catholic Popes who were claiming pontificate. This council did two of import things. It ended the Schism that had 3 cabals of the church controversy over whose positions were right, and whose Catholic Pope was the rightful Catholic Pope. Second, it named Pope Gregory XII as the rightful Catholic Pope, but he steps down and hands the place over to Pope Martin V. Fifth Lateran Council ( 1512-1517 ) The Fifth Lateran Council was called by Pope Julias II to set and stop to the corrupt patterns in the church. There were around 95 high members of the church nowadays at this council. This council put an terminal to many of the corrupt patterns of this clip period within the Catholic Church. Council of Treant ( 1545-1563 ) The Council of Treant was called by Pope Paul III to conflict the Protestant beliefs and clearly lay out the Catholic beliefs. There were over 450 people present at this council over the 18 old ages it was held. Besides, 5 Catholic Popes presided over it during the clip it was held. This council affirmed 12 philosophies on the church, apostolic domination, godly disclosure consists of Bible and tradition, Faith and good plants are necessary for redemption, reaffirmed transubstantiation, the mass is a true forfeit, Penance is the manner in which wickednesss are forgiven, reaffirmed the seven sacraments, Purgatory exists, psyches in purgatory benefit from our supplications, indulgences have a true religious value, condemned superstitious utilizations of relics and indulgences. First Vatican Council ( 1869-1870 ) The First Vatican council was called by Pope Pius IX to reaffirm apostolic authorization and to clear up church learning to onslaughts from enlightenment minds. There were 803 in attending, including 46 from the United States. The major part to faith from this council is the philosophy of Papal Infallibility, which means the Pope can non do mistake when learning church philosophy or on the religion. Second Vatican Council ( 1962-1965 ) The Second Vatican Council was called by Pope John XXIII to regenerate the church spiritually, and to reconsider the church s topographic point in the modern universe. This council made many alterations to the Holy Eucharist, such as doing it common so the common individual could understand God s message. It besides allowed for more engagement in mass by the common individual.

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