Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Contract and employment agreement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Contract and employment agreement - Essay Example His work was reviewed and at one time, he was told to proofread his work. This means there indeed was an implied contract that meant Barnes was an employee to the company. Since Barnes was discharged, it should be proven that the termination does not amount to wrongful discharge, as the claims by the company’s vice president were informal. Hawk also points out fraudulent inducement, which indeed is exhibited when the company requests Barnes not to resign for another company, and that he might be promoted. Pentrix’s main aim is to keep highly skilled personnel within the company. Diana Gagnon in response to the question, ‘If you were investigating whether Barnes could successfully sue Pentrix, what information would you want to know?’ says she would need several pieces of information to know if Barnes could successfully sue Pentrix. She gives these pieces as; Barnes past performance reviews, copies of the employee handbooks and his signature page, the validi ty of the rumor as stated by Olga Svetlana with regard to the leaked information, and the discharge of the employees. While other points mentioned here may not be substantial, whether the rumor stated by the company’s vice chancellor on the leaking of information is worth an investigation to determine whether it was true or not, and as a result, whether Barnes can successfully sue.

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