Thursday, October 31, 2019
Compare and Contrast Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Essay
Compare and Contrast Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X - Essay Example The Martin Luther king’s dream was wide; it included poverty and what he called â€Å"militarism†. Today, Luther King is known for his tremendous efforts against racial discrimination. As much as King fought against racial discrimination, it is vast and complex, and cannot be treated as a single subject. This is because it included the social, education, political and economic discrimination of Black people in America. In 1962, King, On behalf of the Black community, made an appeal to President Kennedy to complete his work of giving freedom to the Black community (Schlueter 60). However, because Martin Luther King came from a background of loving parents and later Christian leader, he preached peaceful demonstrations in all the campaigns he was involved in. America will remember Dr. Luther, for his peaceful movements such as Black Civil Rights Bill enforcement as well as Supreme Court Ruling against the laws of Jim Crow. His major strategy was peaceful protesting; mostl y inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. In this various speeches, Luther, created an image of an activist of peace across the United States (Schlueter 70 -77). Malcolm X was a frustrated person from his childhood age until his times of changing America’s ideology about African-Americans. Malcolm sought refuge in Islamic nations and used the same to protest in his campaign against racism. In his protest, he did not preach for peaceful demonstration, but, taught the Black people to use anything in their power to reject racism. Unlike Luther King, Malcolm X disliked white people because of their oppressiveness especially the poor Black poor people in the ‘ghetto’ (Ladenburg 31). However, Malcolm X, just like Luther King, wanted to end racism and the best for the Black community. Before Martin Luther began his journey to fleeing his fellow Black from racial segregation, ‘Negros’ had no rights to vote or register
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Leadership and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Leadership and Management - Essay Example It is true that earlier organizations concentrated in organization structures that concentrated on limited approaches. This has been a challenge and it is time that organization and management went on a broader front. This can and only is doable by doing a comparison of the available different approaches of organization and management available alongside a thorough study of different types of organizations, their structures and management styles employed (Jones & George, 2011). The identification of the organization type is something that is of utmost fundamental. In earnest organizations exists in four major types, which defines the culture and structure to be employed by an organization. Organization type is determined using Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), which measures organization type based on ratio vs. flexibility and internal vs. external ratios. In this context, we have hierarchical organizations, which are majorly bureaucratic in nature and quite effect ive in relatively stable environments. Then exists a market organization is applicable in highly competitive environments and adopts task culture. The third is a family organization; this form is family based, employs professional bureaucracy, teamwork, and advocates for norms and values. We also have the adhocracy, which is a form developed out of inventions and innovation, its outstanding character is a combination of both task and personal cultures (Jones & George, 2011). For the organization to function properly, the structure in place should be supportive of the type of organization. Organization structures are the established patterns of relationships of the components and aspects of the organization. Tasks are done in relation to controls, coordination and motivation of employees in the formal systems (Jones & George, 2011). Good organization structures results into outputs of the organization hence achievements of the aims and goals of the organization. Therefore, organizati on culture can be compared to the skeleton in the human body. Organization type, combined within the right structure and crowned with the relevant management style is a complete and successful organization. There are varieties of management styles that can be employed in any form of formal organization. They range from autocratic all the way to the participative and democratic styles, which are the most applicable in today’s organizations (Jones & George, 2011). There are many ways of categorizing approaches to organization; the earliest with limited variety of options is the classical approach. Others approaches would entail, human relations, systems and contingency approaches, apart from these, other like decision making, social action and postmodernism are also given consideration. In this case, we would look at the classical approach; this approach simply views an organization in terms of the purpose and the formal structure of the organization. This form of approach look s at an organization in strict senses in terms of work being planned, organizational technical requirements, the principles of management developed and applied and finally the assumptions that are based on logics and rationality in behavior of the stakeholders. The reason for the formation of an organization is the core towards understanding how an organization works; it again helps in understanding the components of the organiza
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Movement from Byzantine Period to Early Renaissance Style
Movement from Byzantine Period to Early Renaissance Style The transition from the Byzantine period to the early Renaissance as seen through the works of Duccio Contents (Jump to) Abstract Introduction Literature Review Chapter One: Madonna of the Franciscans and The Rucellai Madonna Chapter Two: Madonna and Child and Maestà , Conclusions and Recommendations Bibliography Abstract The purpose of this study is to assess the rationale for accepting the notion that the works of the Italian painter Duccio di Buoninsegna have made a significant impact on the way in which the transition from Byzantine to Renaissance styles can be determined. The dissertation focuses its attention in particular on the period in the region between 1270 to 1311 in which time Duccio was commissioned to paint a number of significant and high profile works; namely Madonna of the Franciscans, The Rucellai Madonna, Madonna and Child and Maestà . Using these four masterpieces as the basis for analyzing their use of form, composition and the subtle influences of a much more realistic and humanistic quality. This will be compared to Duccio’s innovative relationship with the Renaissance period in contradiction to the somewhat basic style more associated with the Byzantine era that he was working in. Introduction It is important perhaps to begin with an overall definition of what is meant by Byzantine and Renaissance painting in order to put the context of where the artist Duccio resides in this discussion. The Byzantine art movement was active from the period spanning the 5th century AD to 1453 during the time when the Byzantine Empire was the most dominant. The period was centered on the Orthodox Church and featured painted icons, and decorative churches with mosaics and frescoes. With the fall of Constantinople (Istanbul today) to the Turks in 1453, the Byzantine style also ended. This occurred during the European Renaissance era but the influence of Byzantine art remained strong in Russia, and other areas where the Orthodox Church was influential. The Byzantine style essentially grew out of traditional designs involving saints and biblical stories as well as religious symbolic decoration. Figures represented in this period do not have natural forms with human figures depicted as unnaturally long, any emotion portrayed is limited formal and still, and the facial expressions are conventional and one dimensional. The most prominent figures to be painted during this era are representat ions of Christ and the Virgin Mary, the apostles, the saints, Bishops and angels.’ The political structure of the period revolved around the emperor who was believed to be divinely appointed by God. Art played a large role in visualizing his powers with images of gods, goddesses, cherubs, and personifications of virtues’. Most historians believe that the birth of the Renaissance occurred in Florence, Italy during the fifteenth century, but the new movement can be seen to have been growing and developing at least a century before this. Evidence to back this theory up will be presented throughout this paper. In particular the most well known f these painters is Gioto, who is referred to in a number of instances within the body of this text. He introduced an early three dimensional quality to his work; however the perspective was inaccurate and unsophisticated, a little like that of Duccio, with figures in paintings often hovering in space in a shallow depth of field. The Oxford English dictionary definition for Renaissance is The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists ‘ATerm meaning ‘rebirth’ applied to an intellectual and artistic movement that began in Italy in the 14th century, culminated there in the 16th century, and influenced other parts of Europe in a great variety of ways. The notion of a rebirth refers to a revival of the values of the classical world, and the concept was used as early as the 15th century, by Italians who thought they were living at a time when the qualities of ancient art and literature were blossoming anew after centuries of barbarism. In the following century Vasari gave the idea of such a revival a systematically developed form; he thought that art had declined in the Middle Ages, had been set once again on its true path by Giotto, and had risen to its greatest heights in the work of his friend and hero Michelangelo. To modern historians this picture seems much too simplistic, and the Renaissance is seen more as a period of gradual change than as a sudden break with the past. Nevertheless, the inte llectuals of the Renaissance were the first people to conceive a period identity for themselves, and this in itself gives the label certain coherence. Scholars may debate endlessly over the exact interpretation of many aspects of the period, but in the general historical scheme of things, the Renaissance has come to represent the time when ‘Medieval’ turns into ‘Modern’ and the religion-dominated world of the Middle Ages gives way to a culture more concerned with the individual.’ Although both terms have many connotations attached to them and a broad scope of other historical references and intricate philosophies and ideologies; for the purposes of this study they will be referred to in terms of their transcendence from flat, one dimensional religious iconographic paintings to the emergence of a humanistic and realistic portrayal of people, architecture and other living things providing a mathematical approach to composition and a clarity of realism. There is little documented information relating to Duccios life and career. In large part his life can only be reconstructed, taken from the evidence of those works that have been confirmed as his own. The use of a new stylistic approach provides enough evidence to support the rationale that he was painting in accordance with very early Renaissance tendancies.Duccio is first mentioned in 1278, when the treasurer of the commune of Siena commissioned him to decorate 12 strongboxes for documents. The fact that he was officially self-employed as a painter demonstrates that he was a mature and independent artist quite early on. (Jannella, 1991) In 1280 Duccio was fined the considerable sum of 100 lire by the commune of Siena for an unspecified case of misconduct. The number of fines documented throughout Duccio’s life suggests that he was a restless and tempestuous character. Three predominant shifts took place during the Middle Ages which would drastically change the course of Western Civilization. These included: The movement of cultural leadership from the Mediterranean to France, Germany and the British Isles. Paganism and barbarism was replaced by a new found appreciation of Christianity The ideology of the here and now moved to thinking about the hereafter. Consequently the body was seen as not so much beautiful but as corrupt With the new emphasis on religion, nudes were forbidden. Medieval artists were concerned with the soul and instructing new believers in the church. Art then became somewhat of a servant to the church. Medieval Art consisted of three styles; Byzantine, Ranesque and Gothic. Duccio’s work is often categorised as Byzantine or Gothic. The central tradition of Byzantine Art was located at the heart of Constantinople. The prevailing view of Byzantine Art is that it was highly true to nature, although contemporary academics criticise the aesthetic value of it, with flat surfaces and little realism, its ‘reverse perspective radiating composition disregard for scale and depth etc’. And that the main purpose of artistic expression was for images to serve and elevate people’s minds to immaterial realities. Although Byzantine Art is considered more Abstract than realistic. During the early 1400’s the World began to appreciate a broader alternative to artistic elements and influences. From Florence in Italy the new cultural appreciation spread to Rome and Venice and after 1500 throughout the whole of Europe. This new Renaissance can be attributed to the increased awareness and interest in the art and literature of Greece and Rome – the natural world, realism and the science of the human body. Anatomy was studied and reflected in the way in which artists started to paint people. The attributes of the natural world, realism and the science of the human body were now being contemplated. In addition the Protestant Reformation also decreased the emphasis on how religion and the church were perceived. Before the Renaissance and Reformation, pious images were treated not as ‘art’ so much, but as objects of worship which possessed the physical presence of the Holy. During this period the concept of Perspective was recognised and changed the whole visual interpretation of art. The illusion of creating depth on a flat surface was discovered and objects could be seen to be receding in the distance. Even the materials changed from wooden panels and fresco plasterwork to stretched canvases. By the end of the 13century a birth of technically skilled painting emerged and one of those pioneers was Duccio who managed to break down the rigid Byzantine style, replacing it with a softer and more lifelike form. One doctrine cited in this paper is that of the Sienese School. To briefly explain The Sienese School of painting flourished in Siena in Italy Siena, most documented between the 13th and 15th centuries. For a time including Duccio this rivaled work coming out of Florence. Although it is true to mention that it was more conservative and is more frequently associated with Gothic Art. Its most important members include Duccio, his pupil Simone Martini, the Lorezetti brothers, Domenico, Taddeo di Bartolo and Matteo di Giovanni, amongst lesser known others. . In Owen’s The Florentine and Sienese Renaissance: A monopsonistic explanation we are reminded that Historians have long been fascinated by the origins of the Renaissance and that ‘For art historians this fascination has appeared in investigations of the prominence of Florence in artistic development or comparisons of Florentine, Venetian, and Northern artistic Renaissance movements. It considers the question of how the arts flourished so creatively in Florence rather than anywhere else. Declaring that ‘Florentine artists have dominated the course of artistic development for 300 years in a straight line from Giotto to Michelangelo’. It then begins to address the obvious influence which is attached to other European cities, most notably Siena. A city located less than forty miles from Florence which developed its own painting tradition and produced the Siena School. It can be argued that this school despite being innovative and receiving such early practitione rs of Renaissance influence like Duccio it bypassed mainstream artistic developments that were forming in other cities such as Florence. One scholar notes ‘.had this Sienese school not arisen we should have seen no difference in the progress of Western painting.It is simply that Sienese painting forms, as it were, an island.’ The peak of Renaissance Art is apparent in the works of masters such as Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael. Duccio di Buoninsegna is often referred to as the Italian precursor to this Renaissance style. Born in Siena round 1255 Duccio was the founder of the Sienese school of painting. All of his work is religious and characterized by skillful composition, a decorative quality similar to mosaic work and most importantly bearing a much more emotional tone than that of the traditional Byzantine model. As one of the most important painters of the early 14th century, Duccio introduced a dynamic move away from the Byzantine style into early Italian Renaissance painting. Duccio was known for dynamic new altarpiece designs, a striking use of landscape and colour, and unusual expressive relationships between the figures in his paintings. Duccio painted many pictures for the city of Sienna and one for the church of Santa Trinita in Florence. He also executed various works for a number of churches in Pisa, Lucca and Pistorla. These provided him with great renown and made him a considerably wealthy man. The first work ascribed to Duccio is the Madonna with the Three Franciscans. Despite its damaged condition today it still demonstrates all the traditional features of the Byzantine period, but there is a definite softness and more defined features in the gestures of the Mother and Child. The Madonna Enthroned (Rucellai Madonna) On first glance epitomizes many aspects of Byzantine painting, but on closer investigation the three dimensional qualities not found in iconography are very evident. The faces possess contours, shadow and light and a hint of personality. In particular Mary’s hand is more natural looking and the two pairs of bare feet on the right and left sides are also fleshed out and real looking. They do not sport the same sized shoes. These subtleties and more naturalistic, fluid lines are what provide the evidence to support Duccio’s work to be categorised in terms of a painter functioning within a style that incorporates the features of both Byzantine and Renaissance characteristics. This paper will present an overview of the discussions that seek to demonstrate this argument by way of illustration using four of his most significant works Madonna of the Franciscans, The Rucellai Madonna and the later Madonna and Child and Maestà . The Literature Review following on from this Introduction presents an overall and comprehensive approach to the way in which various publications, books, articles, journals and internet references were incorporated into this dissertation. The subsequent chapters detail the main body of the text whilst demonstrating the findings and conclusions determined from the research, together with a complete Bibliography of the references employed. Literature Review In response to the challenges of researching and presenting aspects of Duccio’s work there was a need to adopt a number of methods and approaches to this study. He is not featured amongst the most popular of artists and although he receives a following of academics and interested students Duccio does not necessarily receive the deserved recognition for his inspirational insight and wealth of artistic material generated over a small space of time. Despite Duccio Buooninsegna not being the most well known of artists certain information is not limited due to the fact that for some reason Duccio was a well documented character during his lifetime. Biographical text books relating specifically to the painter and his working life include the highly informative Duccio (Masters of Italian Art Series) by Andrea Weber. The large, sumptuously reproduced images compensate for the minimal amount of text. it provides a synopsis of Duccios years, of which little is written about with regard to his private life. It documents his success as an artist in Siena and the various commissions he received. The book brings together the fragments of his Maesta and reconstructs it using a montage of photographs. Each piece of the painting is analysed and written about, the most famous of which is the Rucellai Madonna, now residing in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and is also explored in more depth in this research. This is a favourable book for those people who like iconic art and the work of early Italian masters. Duccio Di Buoninsegna by Cecilia Jannella is a good user friendly paperback reference book.with over 100 color reproductions. It makes reference to the man in relation to documentation that exists regarding his financial affairs and his spontaneous spending sprees. It presumes that he was born between 1255 and 1260, and died in late 1318 or in the early part of 1319. It is well written and extensively researched A reasonable potted source of chronological information also exists online. The Art encyclopedia website accessed from provides other useful links to art galleries and different reference sites specific to Duccio. Sourcing texts that refer specifically to his work also exist. The most useful and comprehensive being Duccio: The Maesta By Luciano Bellosi. This book combines all the elements of this famous altar piece using a series of glossy colour plates that enlarge details to actual size. We see that the central panel depicts the Madonna enthroned surrounded by saints and angels, with the back showing scenes relating to the Passion. Other panels from the Maesta portray the Apostles and the Gospel story The informative text, by a well respected Italian art historian, discusses the social and historical context of Duccios commission, as well as the artists well versed relationship with his cotemporary’s Cimabue and Giotto, and the influence of their work on Sienese and Italian painting. In order to gain an appreciation of Renaissance techniques in comparison to the Byzantine era Color and Meaning: Practice and Theory in Renaissance Painting by Marcia B. Hall is an excellent approach guiding the reader on the subject of How Renaissance painters used colour to fuse their pictures, create symbolism and achieve the emotional expressiveness so lacking in Byzantine Art. Simplistic and explanatory it focuses on 20 paintings providing an insight into Leonardos naturalistic use of shadow in the Mona Lisa and the way in which Michelangelos flesh toned hues miraculously link the figures in the Sistine Chapel. It also provides an insight into Titians penchant for bright, colours in order to achieve movement. The writer allows us to appreciate Hall the limited resources so many of these artists had to hand, which makes their work even greater in its context. This text provides a traditional analysis whilst demonstrating a deeper scientific approach from the angle of the Conserva tion laboratory. The writer provides an insightful appreciation of the type of techniques incorporated between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. It explains how important the use of colour, light and shade is on achieving realism through art which has helped with the overall comprehension of works that have leapt from the Byzantine tradition onwards. Other places where Duccio is referenced are by way of an abundance of anthologies. In particular Artists of the Middle Ages By Leslie Ross. The identity of artists is examined in the context of their relationship to some of the most influential works of Art in Medieval history. However as with most books on this subject the artists themselves lose a great deal in translation, as so little information exists regarding their lives. Ross investigates the Medieval Art world in terms of architecture, iconography, metalwork, and sculpture, whilst summarizing the lives and work of these leading artists. What is gained from reading this book is a factual idea of how an artist’s life is led, combined with a useful list of reference material as to how the work was collated. Readers are also provided with an insight into the practices and traditions of medieval art and the role those traditions played in medieval society. A helpful timeline and full index gives scholars or interested students of Art History a breakdown of the research tools that are necessary for finding more information in this field. In terms of a definitive study providing a critical analysis that connects and provides evidence for Duccio to be heralded as a founding father of Renaissance art, no specific text appears to exist, although many hint to this relationship and subtlety found throughout his work. A re-examination of long established beliefs about the early renaissance painters can be found in Painting in the Age of Giotto: A Historical Re-Evaluation By Hayden B. J. Maginnis, Andrew Ladis The study is the first to discuss the theories and observations of the sixteenth century art historian Giorgio Vasari in any detail. The writers argue the origins of modern views regarding the period and the ongoing critical strategies and conventions that exist in contrast to historical reality. In an investigation of the new art of the fourteenth century, Maginnis puts forward the argument that not only was the visual concept of naturalism remarkably short-lived but that that its main pioneers were the painters of Siena and not the painters of Florence. In particular the detailed analysis of Giotto the Florentine painter and architect’s work demonstrates that his art belonged to a different kind of trend. Through a re-examination of the historical and art-historical evidence related to painting immediately after the plague of 1348 the writers determine the existence of a new interpretation of painting by the mid-century. Iconography, Byzantine and religious art prior to the Renaissance are discussed in detail in Hans Belting, Edmund Jephcott’s Likeness and Presence: A History of the Image Before the Era of Art. This book provides an overview of the concept of Byzantine Art and its true definition. That Byzantine Art was not necessarily an art form, but much more to do with worship and the recognition of all that is Holy. Hans Belting traces the long history of the sacral image and its changing role in European culture; combined with the beliefs, superstitions and hopes, that exist in relation to people’s response and understanding of sacred images. It is an interesting source of facts relating to European Christians and their churches. Not so relevant to the immediate content of this research, yet providing significant background to appreciating a better understanding of Byzantine Art. There is a chapter on Early Renaissance in Horst Janson and Anthony Janson’s History of Art. And an overview of Duccio from the perspective of evidence that supports his early Renassance tendencies. Janson writes ‘In Duccio’s hands the Greek manner has become unfrozen. The rigid, angular draperies have given way to an undulating softness†¦The bodies, faces and hands are beginning to swell with three dimensional life.’ This is a well established classic hand book of Art History with Extensive captions provided by twentieth-century art historians speaking about specific pieces of art featured throughout. Janson has also rearranged early Renaissance art according to genre rather than in terms of any specific time sequence. Ultimately this paper is too trying to demonstrate a grounded positioning of the work of Duccio for inclusion within the Early Renaissance which does not necessarily need to be defined in terms of geographical location or specific timeframe. Sienese Painting: From Duccio to the Birth of the Baroque by Giulietta Chelazzi Dini is a volume tracing the correlation between the Sienese painters namely Duccio di Buoninsegna, Simone Martini, and the Lorenzetti brothers and the dawn of Renaissance painting. It also extends to include painters right up until 1700 and charts the success of lesser known artists such as Rutilio Manetti, whose style changed radically when exposed to the work of Caravaggio. The last chapters focus on Baroque paintings but the focus for the narrative is principally early Sienese masters. It documents the struggle towards naturalism. It is organized chronologically, with well documented texts on each period and work. Additional reading from a chronological perspective includes Duccio di Buoninsegna by Curt H. Weigelt which is an early novel and the first attested biography of the painter written in German in 1911, R.S. Van Marle, The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting, vol. 2 published in 1924. This contains a chapter on Duccio published in English but providing little scope for original ideas. Duccio di Buoninsegna (1961) is an interpretation, in Italian, of the work of Duccio and boasts a number of colour reproductions of his established works Duccio (1951) by Brandi, is an Italian language text that comprehensively researches the works of Duccio from the perspective of more modern consideration. Later works in English include John White, Duccio: Tuscan Art and the Medieval Workshop (1979); James H. Stubblebine, Duccio di Buoninsegna and His School (1979); Cecilia Jannella, Duccio di Buoninsegna (1991), with many colour illustrations of his work; Andrea Weber, Duccio di Buoninsegna, About 1255–1319 (1997). The Documents and Early Sources (2000), ed. by Hayden B.J. Maginnis is one of the most modern approaches to Duccio’s work. It offers a series of research tools with which to take further research forward. Chapter One: Madonna of the Franciscans and The Rucellai Madonna Madonna of the Franciscans is a small Tempera on wood, Tempera being a technique using powdered pigments mixed with egg yolk and water. It is chronologically the first work ascribed to Duccio in the Academy of Siena. Despite its damaged condition it shows many of the traditional features of the Byzantine era , but the formal stiffness of the ancient Hodegetria (Greek iconography) type has been softened to produce the effect of a more kindly and human depiction. Yet the composition is still dignified apparent though the gestures of Mother and Child toward the kneeling figures. The overall design has been softened with its characters flowing and lucid. The picture portrays the enthroned Madonna of the protective mantle. A type derived from Byzantine Art. The three Franciscans kneeling at the virgin’s feet demonstrate imploring gestures and intense emotional expressions. This is a cult Byzantine image, yet one that relays far more expression than typical to the style. Particularly as her head is looking out of the picture at the viewer. Her head remains the central focal point of the composition, whilst at the same time maintaining a calm, concentrated devotion. The style of artistic representation captivates the audience and pulls the viewer into its world. There are fine undulating gold lines at the hem of the Madonna’s mantle, which is traditional to that applied to old early paintings. But as a rule Duccio always refrained from covering garments entirely in gold. By painting the hems and seams only in gold this makes elements of the painting stand out further and encourages an appearance of sumptuousness. In Duccio’s time the colour that most represented glamour was the blue which was obtained from the semi-precious stone Lapis Lazuli. This was far more expensive than gold and used frequently in painting to highlight the rich ornate quality of the work. So by avoiding its use Duccio is in fact contradicting his images. Making them at once more emphasized and yet down playing them at the same time. And is in direct contrast to the Byzantine opulent representations Duccio responds again to the contemporary desire for the modernisation of Art by adapting to the French artistic model in this painting with the inclusion of French gothic motifs in their pure form on individual standing figures. This blatant clear French derivation and the measured breadth of contour, the curving of the robes hem and the smooth masses of colour make up part of a wider spatial dimension. Here the Gothic preference for linearity and flowing lines reaches its climax. This consequently encourages a pervading sense of animation and movement through expression. Duccio’s Madonna of the Franciscans echoes the compositions developed in Armenia and Cyprus amongst Crusader artists. It can also be identified in terms of its unique composition to being an early precursor of the Renaissance master Piero della Francesca’s triptych depicting the Madonna della Misericordia. Where the virgin is drawn holding back the edge of her robe the better to receive and protect the three kneeling friars. The elaborate combination of echoes from the Italian mosaic painter and Duccio’s Florentine contemporary Cimabue alongside the added softness of Duccios own unique personal touch, inspires elements of the new artistic language of the Renaissance. The features of the beseeching friars and the throne which represents a simple wooden seat placed at an angle to create an effect of perspective, reflects the teaching of Cimabue, who tutored the controversial artists Giotto. Controversial in terms of his professional association with Duccio and the centuries of scholarly rivalry which has evolved in relation to authenticating their works. The unusual posture of the Childs legs is again out of context and repeats the gestures of his early Madonna of Buonconvento and the Rucellai Madonna. When trying to understand Duccio’s style better his Madonna Enthroned, also known as the Rucellai Madonna is one of the best examples. The Rucellai Madonna was commissioned on April 15, 1285, by the Confraternity of the Laudesi of S. Maria Novella in Florence. This contract was discovered in the 18th century and led to the correction of the early biographer Giorgio Vasari’s attribution of the Rucellai Madonna to that of Cimabue. Nonetheless the proven documentary evidence and the obvious difference in style between the Rucellai Madonna and Cimabue’s other paintings still lead some academics to legitimise the painting as being that of Cimabue’s. There are also others who are reluctant to think either responsible due to the distinctive style and attribute the work to an unknown third artist the general consensus is that the painting belongs to Duccio. There is nothing in the style of the Rucellai Madonna that makes its attribution to Duccio implausible. This fact plus the documentation relating to the contract of 1285 certainly makes such an attribution acceptable. In stylistic terms, the Rucellai Madonna remains fundamentally Byzantine in many ways. But demonstrates a use of colour uncommon in the late 13th century. For example the dress of the six angels illustrates an abandonment of symmetry and reveals both the deep colors of the more traditional Byzantine period teamed with pastel silvery lilacs, pinks, and light blues, giving the painting a softer and decorative appearance. This decorativeness is exaggerated by the fluid gold lines that trace the hem and opening of the Virgin’s mantle. The Rucellai Madonna is so refined that it excels as an example of more advanced artistic thought. Delicate hues make up the formation of the throne and the shimmering cloth of honor behind the virgin. The gold hem of the
Friday, October 25, 2019
Personal Narrative - Flying on the Wings of Love Essay -- Personal Nar
Flying on the Wings of Love The seat rumbled in the window seat of the plane. I looked out across the wing at the tiny men running frantically around in their orange vests. I started thinking about where I was about to go and my palms started to sweat. "Oh no" I thought to myself as I felt my body tensing. I was getting nervous although I had no clue about how my life was about to change. The plane began to move. We were taking off. With each minute, and each thought, I became more and more anxious. I looked out the window. The ground moved faster and faster, soon the gravel began to look like blurry streaks and suddenly the plane lifted. My mind cleared and I just watched... I looked down upon the tiny little towns, my nose pressed up against the cold, plastic window, and my imagination took over... I began to dream of living in foreign lands. A huge mansion on a vineyard property perhaps. The sunshine pouring through my window every morning. I then pictured myself getting up, putting on a silk robe and walking downstairs. The scent of grape blossoms ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Teacher Is a Person Essay
A teacher is a person who has excellent teaching techniques, respects her students, makes them feel comfortable in the classroom, and be consistent. A teacher also gives special attention to all of her students and tries to make the material easy to understand. A teacher is also considerate, supportive and kind and who makes sure that she provides attention to the students personally. A teacher provides so many benefits to a child’s life, that it’s almost impossible to find ways in which a teacher can be a bad teacher. The most awful teacher is the one who deep down within does not care. A bad teacher is one who does not bond with the students at all. A teacher can be a bad teacher if, she comes unprepared to the class and does not even knows what to teach while students are waiting and hoping that they will learn something new. A teacher can also be a bad teacher if, she does not lectures the material efficiently and does not spend personal time with her students. A bad teacher is the one who makes the environment of the classroom so dull that some students are forced to drop their classes. Another example in which the teacher can be a bad teacher is if, the teacher does not come to the class because of her personal issues and does not even bother to inform the students or the faculty that she will not be able to come to the class that day. Furthermore, a teacher can be a bad teacher if she just parks herself behind the desk and does not even bother to explain the problem or the chapter. A bad teacher is the one who just gives absurdly difficult assignments without even telling the students that how those are done. In addition, a teacher can also be a bad teacher if she is always late to class and then gives false excuses. A bad teacher is also the one who is always discourteous to the students and has a bad attitude. Some students are very sensitive and rude behavior of the teacher might affect their school and personal life. A bad teacher is the one who does not care about the time and keeps all her students after class, neglecting the fact that it might affect their further plans. Another way a teacher can be a bad teacher is if he or she just lectures for the sake of money and has no idea that what the subject is about and does not even take pleasure in teaching. A bad teacher is the one who has complexity in solving questions and identifying a teaching moment, who does not have that eagerness for the subject and gets off subject very easily. A bad teacher is also the one who supports favoritism. Moreover, a teacher can also be a bad teacher if, the teacher teases and makes fun of the students. It takes a lot of deliberation and training time to be a good teacher. If a teacher is not prepared and takes everything for granted, it is not the teacher who is going be affected, but rather the students. When students have a bad teacher, they are not only unsuccessful to study or learn, but they also lose interest in school or in a particular subject. There are infinite ways for a teacher to be a bad teacher, but it is in the student’s hands to have the ability to change the situation by not being affected or seeking help outside of the classroom from someone efficient.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Benny, the War in Europe, and Myerson’s Daughter Bella Essay
When Benny was sent overseas in the autumn of 1941 his father, Mr. Garber, thought that if he had to give up one son to the army, it might as well be Benny who was a quiet boy, and who wouldn’t push where he shouldn’t; and Mrs. Garber thought: â€Å"my Benny, he’ll take care, he’ll watch out;†and Benny’s brother Abe thought â€Å"when he comes back, I’ll have a garage of my own, you bet, and I’ll be able to give him a job.†Benny wrote every week, and every week the Garbers sent him parcels full of good things that a Jewish boy should always have, like salami and pickled herring and shtrudel. The food parcels were always the same, and the letters  coming from Camp Borden and Aldershot and Normandy and Hol land  were always the same too. They began  â€Å"I hope you are all well and good† and ended  â€Å"don’t worry, all the best to everybody, thank you for the parcel.†When Benny came home from the war in Europe, the Gar bers didn’t make much of a fuss. They met him at the station, of course, and they had a small dinner for him. Abe was thrilled to see Benny again. â€Å"Atta boy,†was what he kept saying all evening, â€Å"Atta boy, Benny.†â€Å"You shouldn’t go back to the factory,†Mr. Garber said. â€Å"You don’t need the old job. You can be a help to your brother Abe in his garage.†â€Å"Yes,†Benny said. â€Å"Let him be, let him rest,†Mrs. Garber said, â€Å"What’ll hap pen if he doesn’t work for two weeks?† â€Å"Hey, when Artie Segal came back,†Abe said, â€Å"he said that in Italy there was nothing that guy couldn’t get for a couple of Sweet Caps. Was he shooting me the bull, or what?†Benny had been discharged and sent home, not because the war was over, but because of the shrapnel in his leg, but he didn’t limp too badly and he didn’t talk about his wound or the war, so at first nobody noticed that he had changed. No body, that is, except Myerson’s daughter Bella. Myerson was the proprietor of Pop’s Cigar & Soda, on Laurier Street, and any day of the week, you could find him there seated on a worn, peeling kitchen chair playing poker with the men of the neighbourhood. He had a glass-eye and when a player hesitated on a bet, he would take it out and polish it, a gesture that never failed to intimidate. His daugh ter, Bella, worked behind the counter. She had a club-foot and mousy hair and some more hair on her face, and although she was only twenty-six, it was generally supposed that she would end up an old maid. Anyway she was the one  the first one  who noticed that the war in Europe had changed Benny. And, as a matter of fact, the very first time he came into the store after his homecoming she said to him: â€Å"What’s wrong, Benny’? Are you afraid?†â€Å"I’m all right,†he said. Benny was a quiet boy. He was short and skinny with a long narrow face, a pulpy mouth that was somewhat crooked, and soft black eyes. He had big, conspicuous hands, Thich he preferred to keep out of sight in his pockets. In fact, he seemed to want to keep out of sight altogether and whenever possible, he stood behind a chair or in a light so that people wouldn’t notice him  and, noticing chase him away. When he had failed the ninth grade at Baron Byng High School, his class-master, a Mr. Perkins, had sent him home with a note saying: â€Å"Benjamin is not a student, but he has all the makings of a good citizen. He is honest and at tentive in class and a hard worker. I recommend that he learn a trade.â€
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
CREATING A NARRATED BOOK TRAILER I wanted a book trailer to promote my third picture book, Silly Frilly Grandma Tillie, illustrated There were two books I consulted before undertaking the creation of the trailer: Katie Daviss ebook, â€Å"How to Promote Your Children’s Book†and Darcy Pattison’s ebook, â€Å"The Book Trailer Manual†. My goal wasn’t to replicate the text of the story in the trailer, but to give viewers a feel for the characters and the plot in a very short space of time- an oral summary. The publisher’s blurb for the book was a helpful starting point but it was directed to adults. My script needed to be more child friendly and shorter. Both Davis and Pattison recommend keeping trailers to a minute or less; Pattison says images should not be on screen for more than five seconds. The final (I thought) version of the script read like a mini-movie- for each â€Å"scene†was a visual image (one of Anne Jewett’s fabulous illustrations), followed For those who are technologically challenged, like me, the website is a good source for tutorials on using iMovie and Garage Band- a month of lessons was well worth the twenty-five dollar fee. Recording voiceovers in GarageBand is relatively simple- follow a few steps and controls will appear with record, play and rewind functions that operate like any standard recording device. Though the editing options on GarageBand are much more detailed, even a non-techie like me could easily shorten or remove sections of audio clips. The greater challenge was getting my voice right. Writing each line of script on a notecard and taping the notecard to the top of my screen was helpful, as were underlining the words I wanted to emphasize and indicating whether my voice should rise or lower at the end of a line (professional voice artists definitely deserve respect). Despite all this work, when the audio was incorporated into iMovie, there was a major problem- my audio still took up too much space. I eliminated some sound effects and some spoken lines. To more easily match the length of the narration with the corresponding image, I recorded the voiceovers directly in iMovie. This again was simple to do- select the microphone image and click on the record button. There is a three second delay until the recording begins. Repeating the first word of my line several times during this delay helped eliminate awkward pauses and throat clearing noises when I began speaking. The process of creating a narrated book trailer for the first time took many hours, but it was well worth the effort. I learned how to make podcasts, how to edit video clips, how to combine images and sound. Trust me, if I can do it, you can too! You can view the trailer on my website at
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Generate a Steady Income as a Writer for Corporate Clients
How to Generate a Steady Income as a Writer for Corporate Clients Ever wish there was some way you could earn an income you can depend on from your writing? Enter the corporate client and the retainer agreement. Corporations often have a huge need for regular writers, especially those with a strong online presence. They need fresh content for their website, blog and newsletters. Rebecca Matter, President of American Writers Artists Inc (AWAI) advises writers to use retainers, and so does copywriter Angela Booth and content marketer Trent Dyrsmid. A retainer is a sum of money a company agrees to pay a writer a certain sum of money for an agreed upon amount of work. It is a win-win situation for both parties. Companies are guaranteed quality writing from a dependable source and writers can rest easy knowing they have steady money coming in every month. Ready markets for retainers Retainers are most suitable where there is a need for regular writing. Blogs need to be updated frequently. and many companies send out weekly newsletters to their clients. Businesses that want to rank well in Google need create fresh content. When writing for these companies, you must thoroughly research the industry and capture the voice of the business. How to find clients Start Another way to find clients is to search job boards like and . You can also optimize your Linkedin profile, as companies also use the network to find freelance writers. Get prospects to say yes to a retainer When pitching a retainer deal, remember that clients expect a price break. Be sure to point out that How to price your services for success Prices should reflect not only the time you spend on the client but also the time you save not looking for other clients and getting to know their needs. You also need to consider what the rate would be if each task youll be performing were contracted separately and what savings to offer the client. Most importantly, decide on the minimum fee that would make the deal worthwhile for you and keep this in mind when negotiating. Protect yourself Avoid misunderstandings The amount and date of payment The amount and type of writing Invoicing procedures How each party can terminate the agreement For new clients, you should also request 50 percent upfront for the first month and include a date when the agreement will be reviewed. It is possible to earn consistent money writing for corporations. Focus on businesses with high volume writing needs, and hook them with a retainer agreement.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Catalogue Of Christian Herasie Essay Research Paper
Catalog Of Christian Herasie Essay, Research Paper St Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, called the Council of Nicea to cover with some of the unorthodoxies of the clip, such as Arianism and Novatianism. This council lasted 2 months and 12 yearss, and had 318 bishops in attending. The benefits from this council were of import to reaffirming the religion. It stated that all people could be forgiven of their wickednesss, no affair how bad the wickedness is, every bit long as the individual was genuinely regretful for what he has done. The Nicene Creed is besides a merchandise of this council. The Nicene Creed is a announcement of our beliefs as Catholics. Council of Ephesus ( 431 ) The Council of Ephesus was called to cover with the unorthodoxies of Nestorianism and Pelagianism. There were over 200 bishops present, under the counsel of St. Cyril, who was stand foring Pope Celestine. The major parts to faith brought Forth from this council was that Mary is genuinely the female parent of God ( Theotokes ) , and that Jesus was both God and adult male in one being. Council of Chalcedon ( 451 ) The Council of Chalcedon was called by Pope Leo the Great to manage the unorthodoxy of Menophytism. The Emperor Marcian was in attending, along with over 150 Bishops. This council denounced Menophytism, and stated that Christ had two natures, Godhead and homo, which were both in one being. Fourth Lateran Council ( 1215 ) . Pope Innocent III held the Fourth Lateran Council as a call for religious reform. Over 1,200 of the universe s taking clerics were in attending at this council. This council did many things to confirm the religion. It brought about a reform in clerical life, spiritual direction in slang, condemned many of the unorthodoxies traveling on at the clip, seal of confession ( priests can non let go of what you confess during rapprochement ) , one-year confessions and Eucharist at Easter clip, and reaffirmed the seven sacraments and transubstantiation. Council of Constance ( 1414-1418 ) The Council of Constance was called during the Western Schism to make two things. The first was to stop the separation of the church, and the second was to declare who would be the Catholic Pope out of the 3 Catholic Popes who were claiming pontificate. This council did two of import things. It ended the Schism that had 3 cabals of the church controversy over whose positions were right, and whose Catholic Pope was the rightful Catholic Pope. Second, it named Pope Gregory XII as the rightful Catholic Pope, but he steps down and hands the place over to Pope Martin V. Fifth Lateran Council ( 1512-1517 ) The Fifth Lateran Council was called by Pope Julias II to set and stop to the corrupt patterns in the church. There were around 95 high members of the church nowadays at this council. This council put an terminal to many of the corrupt patterns of this clip period within the Catholic Church. Council of Treant ( 1545-1563 ) The Council of Treant was called by Pope Paul III to conflict the Protestant beliefs and clearly lay out the Catholic beliefs. There were over 450 people present at this council over the 18 old ages it was held. Besides, 5 Catholic Popes presided over it during the clip it was held. This council affirmed 12 philosophies on the church, apostolic domination, godly disclosure consists of Bible and tradition, Faith and good plants are necessary for redemption, reaffirmed transubstantiation, the mass is a true forfeit, Penance is the manner in which wickednesss are forgiven, reaffirmed the seven sacraments, Purgatory exists, psyches in purgatory benefit from our supplications, indulgences have a true religious value, condemned superstitious utilizations of relics and indulgences. First Vatican Council ( 1869-1870 ) The First Vatican council was called by Pope Pius IX to reaffirm apostolic authorization and to clear up church learning to onslaughts from enlightenment minds. There were 803 in attending, including 46 from the United States. The major part to faith from this council is the philosophy of Papal Infallibility, which means the Pope can non do mistake when learning church philosophy or on the religion. Second Vatican Council ( 1962-1965 ) The Second Vatican Council was called by Pope John XXIII to regenerate the church spiritually, and to reconsider the church s topographic point in the modern universe. This council made many alterations to the Holy Eucharist, such as doing it common so the common individual could understand God s message. It besides allowed for more engagement in mass by the common individual.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Interview a Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Interview a Manager - Essay Example Q 8 My plans are to increase productivity and efficiency in my department. I intend to make the process of acquiring a loan much easier and efficient in order to make sure that businesses can access loans for expansion as easily as possible. Q 9 It was about my ability to work with other people. Some of the other manages told me that I needed to learn how to collaborate with other managers as a team. It was not easy for me to take this criticism extremely well especially because the manager who talked to me used the word selfish to describe my behavior. Q 10 About my failing to be a team player, at first, I did not agree with the criticism and I failed to understand why I was being told so. However, with time, I realized that everyone cannot be wrong and so I chose to review myself. I have since been able to solve that problem. Q11 One thing that I know that am good at is motivating people to be more productive and to like their work. My experience has taught me that motivation is ex tremely essential if people are to learn to be efficient and productive. I inspire people to produce quality and increase productivity. I have been able to improve the human resource in my department in a exceedingly powerful way. Q12 Some of the challenges that I face include inadequate staff and inadequate resources. Q13 I believe that the internet is going to be the way people do business in the future and I believe that any organisation should be able to from the in the internet to improve their business. Q 14 I believe that managers should be able to use innovation in all areas to improve the way the business operates. Information technology and especially the internet offer a hugely fundamental way to do this. Q15 Managers should be able to have analytical skills to help them in undertaking their work. They should also be able to motivate those below them to be diligent and hardworking. This means that they should lead by example. Part II: What I learnt about the manager The m anager is an extremely diligent person and does not look at management from a traditional point of view. He seems to be the kind of person that wants to excel above the rest of the crowd and also seems to be an extremely hard working person. His approach in management, especially human resource management is quite different and unorthodox. He believes that people should be motivated in order for them to be productive and to deliver quality. What is striking about the manager is his obsession with productivity and efficiency. In his definition of efficiency, he talked about the delivery of products with the least overhead costs. He believes that everything should be streamlined and easy to use. This means that the manager is able to deliver in a way that is most efficient and productive. His deep desire to be efficient and productive is what secludes him from the rest of the managers and this could be the reason he was initially finding it harder to work with the other managers. My i dea of him is that he has an introverted personality and that he sees dealing with other people more tedious than having to do the work on his own. As a result of this, many people are likely to misunderstand his intentions and see him as a selfish person (Jonathan, 2009, p. 27-32). My interview with him showed me that he is far from selfish; he talked about those who are under his management with passion and compassion. His dream for all those working under him
Ethics Case Study Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ethics Case Study - Term Paper Example According to Statement of Ethical Professional Practice issued by the Institute of Management Accountants’ (IMA), all members of the accounting profession have the responsibility to mitigate conflicts of interest and communicate regularly with associates in the field to nullify apparent conflicts of interest (Longstaff, 2010). The scenario presents an ethical issue. There is a conflict of interest between the right things the accountant should do against what the CEO wants him to do. Ethical dilemma sets in as the accountant has a hard time discerning and refraining from engaging in conducts that prejudice conducting his duties with the best of interest of all. If I were in the position of the accountant in the case study, I would strive to detach myself from any activities that may discredit the profession of accountancy. Even though my personal interests of retaining my job and paying mortgage are factors that would influence continuity of the company, I would not doctor fiscal records of the company to get a bank loan. I would advise the company CEO to look for more ethical ways to restore financial performance of the
Assn. 2 Environmental Policy & Procedures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assn. 2 Environmental Policy & Procedures - Essay Example city of Tigard, 512 US.374 (1994) the court ruled that development permits must be roughly proportional to the effects the land in question will have to the community. In this case, the applicant sought to replace her hardware store with a larger facility and pave a 39 paving store. She was granted her wish but with conditions to it. The court however ruled in her favor stating that Dolan could not be forced to give up her land without just compensation. The land disputed formed part of wetlands that Tigard wanted to improve but had unfair conditions (Durant et al, 2004). The national environmental policy act is a statute that requires all governments to integrate policy values into decision-making processes considering impacts of their proposed actions. (NEPA Homepage)This institution forces the state agencies to put in consideration the environmental factors in their decision making process but also empowers them to make informed decisions on the same. This was not in existence before (Malone, 2007).The environmental impact assessment is the heart of the implementation of the act. NEPA addresses the larger environmental problem, and has made a significant effort in addressing environmental issues. Its regulations have caused attitude and behavioral change thus leading to better agency decisions. NEPA action forcing strategies to meet their goals have raised concerns and its critics ask if force will help attain quality in the environment. Critics of this act have a problem with the procedural emphasis. All projects must pass through some procedure to determine if they will have negative or positive impact on the environment. For this to be achieved several actions must be taken. The inability for the act to have requirements to guide implementation or abandon of the project is not agreeable with the critics (Anderson, 2009). One of the victory stories is that of the construction of a parkway in Utah that would act as an alternative route to salt lake
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Strategic management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Strategic management - Coursework Example This specific strategy of Ferrari paid off due to its ability to supplement a large technical team that was dedicated to engine design and development. Another important strategy utilized by Ferrari was giving of high value for its reliable technical solutions. In particular, Ferrari tried to translate the driver’s senses into reliable technical solutions. After all, the drivers can actually say a lot of things about the entire performance of the car and its engine. In line with this, Ferrari is significantly on the right course in order to obtain its competitive advantage. With a highly reliable technical team, Ferrari can always have the great chance to maximize its potential in translating the needs or opinion of the drivers about the car’s general performance. Another important strategy used by Ferrari was its investment in highly talented drivers. Car-racing activity requires a highly and specially skilled driver due to its high level of risk and pressure towards e xcellence. In the end, it was not just the whole engine and car design that would matter, but the drivers in great detail. Thus, this was one of the major reasons why Ferrari was able to translate driver’s senses into reliable technical solutions. 2. Ferrari faced problems in the early 1970s because of some important strategic reasons. Their entire performance was based on its strategic activities done in order to plunge in the competition. However, such strategies they implemented in 1970s were not so remarkable compared to what they applied in between 1975 and 1978. Ferrari in the first place rarely attended car racing and focused so much time on car manufacturing. In this regard, Ferrari tried to rely on media and his advisors for information leading to being politicized most of the time. Furthermore, his first love was motor racing. Thus, there is a great possibility that lesser enthusiasm will be given to car racing even that the said activity gave a great amount of mone y for funding of his business. However, Ferrari was good at sourcing funds for his business. The merger with Fiat proved to be remarkable for outsourcing funds, but substantial pressure was packaged with it especially that competition for engine design proved to be a substantial trend in the market. Ford Motors was able to come up with Ford DFV engine which particularly dominated F1. Since Ferrari was good at giving focus on car manufacturing there was a good chance to dominate in the competition. However, due to age and health condition, Ferrari could not stand long to manage the entire business. Thus, the only good thing left was to hire for new technical in-charge and a new team boss. That was when Mauro Forghieri and Luca di Montezemolo were hired in the team. This paves way to a good starting point for the entire management of Ferrari and his team. Thus, it was clear enough that Ferrari just needed to have organized the management team in order to give so much focus on whatever is necessary in its entire business. From the start, Ferrari was losing focus on some major aspects of its business and one of them was forgetting to organize a highly organized and managed team. 3. The key elements of a successful F1 team include the utilization of human resource, cutting-edge technology and integrate them into one big marketing activity. The first element was the creation of drivers’ association through F1 and its drivers’
Roof Rain Water Harvesting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Roof Rain Water Harvesting - Essay Example They are also considered as a decentralized water supply units where ground water resource is becoming very scarce and the cost of the replacement of various components in the municipal supply systems are becoming very high. The entire system of rainwater harvesting starts with a siphonic roof drainage unit which could drain the water from the roof to an onsite storage tank. This water is filtered and is used for various applications either indoor or outdoor as discussed earlier. In addition to savings in the water costs it would also help to obtain the building permits very easily due to the importance given in the renewable energy systems. The car park area is a very limited space and hence the rational method would be sufficient to compute the runoff into the storm sewers. As the carpark could be expected to be covered the area of the drainage basin shall be taken as the roof area. And the volume of the water available shall be computed as the area of the car park roof multiplied by the depth of rainfall. This quantity is emptied into the storm drains placed on the ground using conveyer pipes whose cross section is decided based on the intensity of rainfall. The intensity values would be helpful to understand how quicker the rainfall reaches the roof. Thus the discharge from the roof is computed using rational formula by substituting appropriate values for intensity of rainfall, time of concentration and coefficient of runoff. Major components of rainwater harvesting unit. Irrespective of the type of rainwater harvesting unit the important components that are attached to a typical roof top units are as follows: Figure 1 Layout of rainwater harvesting system (CRIACC, 2008) (i) Collection systems: The collection region consists of various arrangements installed to collect water from the catchments. In the case of roof top unit, the catchment is referred to the roof top available for harvesting the rain water. The systems to convey water to the storage starts from the catchments. Thus the conveyance systems consists of series of gutters and down pipes that are necessary to direct the water from the roof top catchment to the desired location of storage. (ii) Vessels for storage: The tanks or holding vessel of estimated volume shall be provided for storing the water collected during the rains. The water in the storage units would be left unused until the time of lean season. (iii) Roof wash system: A small portion of initial part of the rains is diverted using cisterns for cleaning purpose and also to remove the debris. Thus volume of water of about 20 gallons is often used for this purpose which often improves the water quality. (iv) The water delivery system: This consists of series of network of pipes and other arrangements that are installed for proper delivery of water. If the water need to be lifted to higher elevation then separate pumps need to be installed to lift the water to higher elevation. Some time, if the water is used for irrigation purpose, then suitable arrangements need to be installed to facilitate the process. (v) Filtration: The process of removing any suspended debris or fine dust from the water referred as the filtration. For most of the situations the filtration unit
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Contract and employment agreement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Contract and employment agreement - Essay Example His work was reviewed and at one time, he was told to proofread his work. This means there indeed was an implied contract that meant Barnes was an employee to the company. Since Barnes was discharged, it should be proven that the termination does not amount to wrongful discharge, as the claims by the company’s vice president were informal. Hawk also points out fraudulent inducement, which indeed is exhibited when the company requests Barnes not to resign for another company, and that he might be promoted. Pentrix’s main aim is to keep highly skilled personnel within the company. Diana Gagnon in response to the question, ‘If you were investigating whether Barnes could successfully sue Pentrix, what information would you want to know?’ says she would need several pieces of information to know if Barnes could successfully sue Pentrix. She gives these pieces as; Barnes past performance reviews, copies of the employee handbooks and his signature page, the validi ty of the rumor as stated by Olga Svetlana with regard to the leaked information, and the discharge of the employees. While other points mentioned here may not be substantial, whether the rumor stated by the company’s vice chancellor on the leaking of information is worth an investigation to determine whether it was true or not, and as a result, whether Barnes can successfully sue.
Roof Rain Water Harvesting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Roof Rain Water Harvesting - Essay Example They are also considered as a decentralized water supply units where ground water resource is becoming very scarce and the cost of the replacement of various components in the municipal supply systems are becoming very high. The entire system of rainwater harvesting starts with a siphonic roof drainage unit which could drain the water from the roof to an onsite storage tank. This water is filtered and is used for various applications either indoor or outdoor as discussed earlier. In addition to savings in the water costs it would also help to obtain the building permits very easily due to the importance given in the renewable energy systems. The car park area is a very limited space and hence the rational method would be sufficient to compute the runoff into the storm sewers. As the carpark could be expected to be covered the area of the drainage basin shall be taken as the roof area. And the volume of the water available shall be computed as the area of the car park roof multiplied by the depth of rainfall. This quantity is emptied into the storm drains placed on the ground using conveyer pipes whose cross section is decided based on the intensity of rainfall. The intensity values would be helpful to understand how quicker the rainfall reaches the roof. Thus the discharge from the roof is computed using rational formula by substituting appropriate values for intensity of rainfall, time of concentration and coefficient of runoff. Major components of rainwater harvesting unit. Irrespective of the type of rainwater harvesting unit the important components that are attached to a typical roof top units are as follows: Figure 1 Layout of rainwater harvesting system (CRIACC, 2008) (i) Collection systems: The collection region consists of various arrangements installed to collect water from the catchments. In the case of roof top unit, the catchment is referred to the roof top available for harvesting the rain water. The systems to convey water to the storage starts from the catchments. Thus the conveyance systems consists of series of gutters and down pipes that are necessary to direct the water from the roof top catchment to the desired location of storage. (ii) Vessels for storage: The tanks or holding vessel of estimated volume shall be provided for storing the water collected during the rains. The water in the storage units would be left unused until the time of lean season. (iii) Roof wash system: A small portion of initial part of the rains is diverted using cisterns for cleaning purpose and also to remove the debris. Thus volume of water of about 20 gallons is often used for this purpose which often improves the water quality. (iv) The water delivery system: This consists of series of network of pipes and other arrangements that are installed for proper delivery of water. If the water need to be lifted to higher elevation then separate pumps need to be installed to lift the water to higher elevation. Some time, if the water is used for irrigation purpose, then suitable arrangements need to be installed to facilitate the process. (v) Filtration: The process of removing any suspended debris or fine dust from the water referred as the filtration. For most of the situations the filtration unit
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Cafeteria Food Essay Example for Free
Cafeteria Food Essay Some people think that school cafeterias should be required to provide low-fat and/or vegetarian lunch options to accommodate the government’s nutritional guidelines, but all students do not eat the same. In my essay about cafeteria food, I will explain what students want in their food. I will also share the likes and dislikes in the food and what we can do to improve it. Cold pizza, undercooked hamburgers and brown lettuce sounds nasty. Many students from different states and districts have to deal with that every day at their schools. The food from the cafeterias used to be good, with a sweet flavor, but in the last few years the food had taken a different flavor, a flavor that cannot be tolerated by the students. The students need a better quality in their food, don’t they? It’s time for a change, a change to food, so students can be satisfied while their eating, a change to food that can be really worth it. As a matter of fact, we students pay money to the district every year and this is what we get? It’s time for a change. Everybody knows that eating healthy was from the past. However, now students and not necessarily just students eat fast food like McDonalds or Taco Bell. Now everybody does, which can be a good and a bad thing. The changes of the food’s taste has made many students to not eat at school, or even made students to bring lunch, and this as a matter of fact causes the school to lose money. In all actuality is the loss of money causing the school to give students poorly made food? If the schools would serve students food from places like Pizza Hut and Subway I can guarantee that most or all students would eat at the cafeterias and it would benefit to both school and students. These types of foods would be so great to have in schools, but unfortunately the district and the governments have taken action and unfairly, they have set down laws that prohibit these foods in the schools. They have settled these laws because they want us as students to eat healthy, but if they want to keep us healthy, why are they giving us food with a bad and nasty taste? Also, with these laws they keep students like me away from eating too much â€Å"junk†food because they can cause obesity. But do they keep on giving us food that is not even worth the amount of money our parents give to the government every year? If they were the ones who eat all of the nasty food given by the cafeteria they would of get tired of eating cold pizza and uncooked hamburgers with brown lettuce just like we the students do. In conclusion, we all understand what the government and the school system is trying to do with this healthy eating program. They want to promote healthy eating habits in an effort to prevent obesity. Although nutrition is important, students feel that there is a better way to have healthy food without ruining the taste. Therefore, in an effort to keep students healthy and leave with their stomachs satisfied we should all come together to realize that we are the ones that have to make it through the school day with the food.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Market Structure And Competition Of Next Plc Economics Essay
Market Structure And Competition Of Next Plc Economics Essay Mission: We plan to supply an complete lofty stage of repair to all our consumers to greeting them to Next, whether they are shopping in our elevated road, shopping centre or trade commons provisions, the Next Index, or online from side to side our website. Though our clientele prefer to supermarket with us, it should be secure, hospitable and simply reachable for all. We aspire to take action to consumers exacting desires from end to end the box up of actions we have in position, which we suppose chains all our consumers as well as individuals with further wants. Values and Objective: The ultimately objective of Next Plc is the delivery of sustainable long term growth in earnings per share. In the current economic environment, it will be very challenging to reverse this years deadline in EPS in the short term and for the year ahead EPS is again expected to reduce. Nevertheless, the board remains convinced that the groups long term objective is best achieved by continuation of the following strategies in its operating business. Improving and developing Next product ranges, success in which is reflected in total sales and like for kike sales performance. Ventura, which provides consumer services organization to regulars wishing to contract out their consumer phone organization and completion activates. Lipsy, which designs and sells its possess recognized younger womens manner goods from first to last extensive, trade and internet channels. Shareholders Influence: Bat always try to keep the commitment that they made with their investors. Under this, share holder can raise any question regarding the operation procedure of Next Plc. And the shareholders can even choose their Board of Director. P2: Shareholders Influence: Bat always try to keep the commitment that they made with their investors. Under this, share holder can raise any question regarding the operation procedure of Bat Plc. And the shareholders can even choose their Board of Director. P3: Used for Next, company liability resources addressing type commerce connected societal, moral and ecological impacts and ensuring we jog our trade in a accountable way. We observe company accountability as a type constituent of how we behavior our commerce as we consider it makes good quality commerce brains. The areas we have recognized as having everyday jobs are: Our Suppliers we will jobs for helpful societal, moral and ecological improvements in our provide sequence Our Consumers we will job to make sure we gather or go above our consumers prospect from side to side the release of brilliant foods and service Our People we will job to offer an situation where our recruits are supported and appreciated, treated rather and in use worry of, listened to and are provoked to realize their full probable Community we will work to deliver value through our community contributions and support for charities and other organizations**** Environment we will work to keenly decrease the impacts of our on the business natural environment P5 In anticipation of ten years ago the term Welfare Work was a expression without meaning in the manufacturing world. In the present day it stands for a specific strategy on the part of employers which may bring about the explanation of many of the irritated problems of labor and resources. The leaven of this rule already has begin to job. A branch of wellbeing work from beginning to end which the business has had a great pressure on the people and the environment of the zone is that of countryside farming. At the time when wellbeing work was on track the environment of the industrial unit were like persons of most manufacturing plant life something but beautiful. Subsequent to the company has made its own goods attractive with lawns, undergrowth and vines, it trained the people of the locality, by lectures and demonstrations, the main beliefs of countryside farming. Consequently of this operation of education the industrial unit locality has been change from a region of stumble -down houses, powder plenty and tin cans to a locality of attractive homes and well set aside yards. P6 The impact of Macro-economic (Monetary and Fisca)l Strategy on the economy There are some differences in the economic effects of financial and economic rule, on the masterpiece of productivity, the helpfulness of the two kinds of rule in assembly the governments macroeconomic objectives, and also the time lags concerned for financial and fiscal rule changes to take effect. We will believe each of these in roll: Effects of Strategy on the Composition of National Output Economic strategy is often seen as incredible of a blunt rule implement upsetting all sectors of the economy even though in unusual ways and with a changeable contact. On the contrary, economic rule can be under attack to involve convinced groups (e.g. increases in resources -tested profit for low earnings households, reductions in the rate of company tax for small- middling sized enterprises, speculation allowances for businesses in sure regions) think as an example the effects of using either fiscal or economic strategy to reach a given raise in national earnings because actual GDP lies below probable GDP (i.e. there is a unnecessary output gap) (i) Pecuniary strategy expansion: Minor awareness rates will lead to an increase in customer and business capital expenses both of which increases national income. Since investment spending results in a larger capital stock, then incomes in the future will also be higher all the way through the impact on LRAS. (ii) Monetary policy extension: An extension in monetary rule adds unswervingly to AD but if financed by advanced government borrowing, this may consequence in advanced interest rates and lower investment. The net result is the same increase in current income. On the other hand, since investment expenses is minor, the investment stock is lower than it would have been, so that future incomes are inferior. In UK lots of multinational organization are operating, Many people from different part of the world also visited in UK for different purposes, if the global economy fall the business of UK based company also fall down. As a result they faces difficulties to earn profit and ultimately the shareholders suffer. P7 Perfect Competition: A market is said to be perfectly competitive when firms perceive that they individually have no noticeable influence on market price. The outcome in such an industry is efficient in the sense that the cost of the last unit of output (marginal cost) would just equal what consumers would be willing to pay for that unit. Perfect competition is a regarded as a benchmark market structure for evaluating other market structures. Market Structure and Competition: The market structures tells us about the environment within which an enterprise functions and the nature of external pressure on the enterprise. The elements of market structure that we look at are concentration ratio, stability of market shares, conditions of entry and exit of firms. FDI Policy Stability of Markets Shares A limitation of the above summary measures of concentration is that they ignore the dynamic changes in the market shares of individual firms. Market shares of dominant firms may increase or decline over time. Greater churning of market shares in given market suggests greater intensity of competition. P8 Market forces and organizational Response: Organizations always responses positively toward market forces. P9 Company Summary: This segment presents the key details statistics, business explanation, and products services unfilled by the corporation. Key Competitors: This section first selects the competitors based on assets, sales, focus of business, or geographic achieve. Then all the competitors are profiled. Key Industry Strategies of Each Competitor: It talks about the present and future strategies of each business. All industry, marketing, monetary and governmental strategies are discussed here. Relative SWOT Psychiatry: Our comparative SWOT analysis is a valuable step in assessing your companys and you competitors strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It offers powerful insight into the critical issues affecting a business. Comparative Financial Analysis: This section compares the recent financials of the company and its competitors. The financial performance of each segment of all the companies is also discussed here. The objective is to appraise the financial health of the company vis-Ã -vis its competitors. The stock price comparison helps us in evaluating the performance of the company position versus its competitors from an investors standpoint. There is an imperative role for tobacco control advocates in the policy development process in authoritarian agencies. P10 The selling and advertising of goods and services crossways national boundaries is known as worldwide trade. International trade is the spinal column of our modern, commercial world, as producers in various nations try to profit from an extended market, rather than be limited to selling within their own boundaries. There are many reasons that trade across national borders occurs, including lower construction costs in one region versus another, dedicated industries, lack or surplus of natural capital and purchaser tastes. One of the most contentious mechanism of global trade in the present day is the lower construction costs of on the rise nations. Both the United States and the European Union have forced severe limitations on imports from Asian nations to try to stem this tide. Obviously, a business that can pay its staff the equivalent of dollars a day, as compared to dollars an hour, has a discrete selling benefit. P11 Discussion with UK SME commissioner bodies on familial and European matters consistently shows that the main issue for their members is regulation. The 2007 EU Observatory Survey found that 36% of SMEs within Europe reported that regulations acted as a restraint or had presented difficulties in the before two years. At the same time as progress has been at the EU level, for example on the encouragement of the Think Small First standard and the European Commissions promise to reduce organizational burdens by 25%, we think a much more ambitious set of measures should be introduced An additional important issue is access to finance, where we believe action should be focused on improving the demand side, in meticulous investment readiness, and the supply of modest amounts of finance for entrepreneurs who, for various reasons, are deemed to be a higher risk. In order to grow, SME must also have access to new markets. Generally, exporting firms have been found to benefit from greater efficiency growth than non-exporters. P12 The UK has to make a decision on membership of EMU in the next two years. The economic and fiscal regimes in the Euro Area and in the UK do not differ greatly. However, we argue that relationship of EMU will increase the steadiness of the economy and the credibility of the policy framework, and hence will enhance the prediction for growth and higher incomes and service.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Kashmir: Paradise Exposed To Hell :: essays research papers fc
Our group topic: â€Å"Causes and Effects of Wars†provoked me to write about the threatening dispute of â€Å"Jammu and Kashmir†which has become more threatening after the nuclear capabilities of India and Pakistan. My main claim revolves around the theme that the burning dispute of Kashmir, between India and Pakistan can play a vital role in the emergence of third world war and can act as battle-field for a nuclear war. Due to geographical and social impacts on the world these countries have realized some big nations to resolve the issue. South Asia, a land of deep historical and cultural representations has more than one billion population. Dominated by British colonization for nearly a century, this region contains a variety of imprints of British rule. South Asia is the region that holds evidences of one of the ancient civilization of the world. The unsettled conditions of the eighteenth century provided an opening for the European imperialism in this region. In 1957, British Empire took hold of the Indian sub-continent and South Asia was colonized by British Empire. In 1947, when British Empire surrendered control of the Indian sub-continent, the land was divided into two major parts. The Hindu majority area became the independent nation of India and Muslim majority area became the independent nation of Pakistan. Since then they have fought many wars and several battles that have affected the both nations as well as the neighboring countries. Now as both nations have gained the nuclear capabilities so they are predicted as the battleground for a possible nuclear war. â€Å" If one were to take to praise Kashmir, whole books would be written†¦Kashmir is a garden of eternal spring, or an iron fort to the palace of kings-a delightful flower-bed, and a heart expanding heritage for dervishes†(Danger In Kashmir 3). Kashmir, with its lush valley nestled among some of the world’s most spectacular mountains, was once one of the South Asia’s premier tourist destinations; now, however, it is a battle-scarred war zone. Kashmir is an area on the northern borders of India and Pakistan: officially known as Jammu & Kashmir. Kashmir is famous for its natural beauty and has often been referred to as the â€Å"Switzerland of the East†. â€Å"The population according to latest data exceeds than fourteen million inhabitants†(Diversity Amid Globalization 505). The heart of the area is the fertile Valley of Kashmir, which lies between the Himalayas and the Pir Panjal mountain range. Kashmir: Paradise Exposed To Hell :: essays research papers fc Our group topic: â€Å"Causes and Effects of Wars†provoked me to write about the threatening dispute of â€Å"Jammu and Kashmir†which has become more threatening after the nuclear capabilities of India and Pakistan. My main claim revolves around the theme that the burning dispute of Kashmir, between India and Pakistan can play a vital role in the emergence of third world war and can act as battle-field for a nuclear war. Due to geographical and social impacts on the world these countries have realized some big nations to resolve the issue. South Asia, a land of deep historical and cultural representations has more than one billion population. Dominated by British colonization for nearly a century, this region contains a variety of imprints of British rule. South Asia is the region that holds evidences of one of the ancient civilization of the world. The unsettled conditions of the eighteenth century provided an opening for the European imperialism in this region. In 1957, British Empire took hold of the Indian sub-continent and South Asia was colonized by British Empire. In 1947, when British Empire surrendered control of the Indian sub-continent, the land was divided into two major parts. The Hindu majority area became the independent nation of India and Muslim majority area became the independent nation of Pakistan. Since then they have fought many wars and several battles that have affected the both nations as well as the neighboring countries. Now as both nations have gained the nuclear capabilities so they are predicted as the battleground for a possible nuclear war. â€Å" If one were to take to praise Kashmir, whole books would be written†¦Kashmir is a garden of eternal spring, or an iron fort to the palace of kings-a delightful flower-bed, and a heart expanding heritage for dervishes†(Danger In Kashmir 3). Kashmir, with its lush valley nestled among some of the world’s most spectacular mountains, was once one of the South Asia’s premier tourist destinations; now, however, it is a battle-scarred war zone. Kashmir is an area on the northern borders of India and Pakistan: officially known as Jammu & Kashmir. Kashmir is famous for its natural beauty and has often been referred to as the â€Å"Switzerland of the East†. â€Å"The population according to latest data exceeds than fourteen million inhabitants†(Diversity Amid Globalization 505). The heart of the area is the fertile Valley of Kashmir, which lies between the Himalayas and the Pir Panjal mountain range.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
musical genres :: essays research papers
Music. Fascinating both by it’s diverse individual styles and the inevitable fusion of different genres which in turn have created other completely new and unique styles of music. Classical music is a perfect example. The earliest forms of classical music were composed in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries and displayed a very complicated and sophisticated form of writing incorporating a wide range of instruments and used the principle of multi instrumentation which achieved a very full symphonic sound which in turn led to the creation of specially designed halls to facilitate the sound. The origins of the music were also diverse, many compositions having been written for the stage, composers such as ‘Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky’ who is responsible for the remarkable musical compositions of ‘Swan Lake’ and ‘The Nutcracker’ wrote his music for Ballet in a style which was not only captivating and enchanting, but also told a story. T chaikovsky was not the only composer to do this, ‘Richard Wagner’ who was a composer of Opera’s also wrote his music in a style that told a story. Wagner changed the concept of opera by viewing it as a ’total art work’ He wanted the Conductor to control all the elements of the dramatic production and to put them to work in projecting the drama through the Music. In the same diversified way the composers of the time wrote for dances to be performed on the stage, others wrote for dances that were popular at the time, such as the waltz, in this instance Composers such as ‘Josef Lanner’ and ‘Johann Strauss’ gave the waltz a whole new life. With their compositions the waltz gained sophistication and superiority Along with a distinctly Viennese light-hearted spirit. But not all classical music composers wrote for the stage or even for dance. Some composed music for the things they felt were important. ‘Johann Sebastian Bach ’ was amongst this group, he was a very religious man who composed for the church, primarily, he was a man of God, and often he would concentrate on the depth of his religion and put it back into his music, as an intense personal statement of faith. But where Bach wrote for the church composers such as ‘George Fredric Handel’ wrote for the general public he was a man of the world who loved to travel and who put this across in his music. Handel’s compositions varied where some were simple others were a lot more vigorous.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Cultural framework Essay
Aside from individual perceptions and resources available to the individual and the community, interventions aimed at reducing and mitigating the spread of HIV infections must take into account the existence of social support systems in the community and society where individuals are located. For one, the availability of support either from friends, family, or community community influences an individual’s decision to adopt or change his or her lifestyle to mirror the objectives of health promotion programs. At the same time, the behaviors and lifestyles of an individual’s friends, family, or community itself may be promoting values and norms that contribute to HIV risk factors. The experiences of the HIV Prevention Planning Council of the San Francisco Health Department (2004) point to the presence of three negative influences that prevent HIV- affected individuals from seeking counselling and treatment and at the same time facilitate the continued transmission of the disease to the general populace. The first among these factors is the prevalence of drug use (p. 14), which promotes both the acceptability of substance abuse as a form of recreation and risky sexual behavior. These values are particularly dominant among San Francisco’s gay communities, whose population unsurprisingly have the biggest number of HIV infections. A second factor is San Francisco’s liberal culture (p. 13), which means that society may be more permissive of and may condone risky sexual behavior that would be deemed unacceptable in other places. The growing acceptability of risky sexual behavior and the decreasing popularity of condom use becomes a motivation for individuals to engage in activities that expose them to possible HIV infection. Moreover, the liberal culture within San Francisco’s communities may be reinforcing the acceptability of drug use, especially among poorer neighborhoods. Zierler and Krieger (1997, p. 405) note that poor communities may find substance abuse appealing, or at least find it inoffensive, since it serves both as a source of livelihood and as a source of recreation and stimulation. On the other hand, the ironic existence of racist and discriminatory attitudes within liberal San Francisco (San Francisco Health Department, 2004, p. 8) may discourage people of color, gay, and male-to-female transgendered individuals from seeking help when they become infected by HIV due to the fear that they will be doubly stigmatized by carrying the disease. Although San Francisco’s liberal values and attitudes may have negative effects on efforts to curb the HIV epidemic, these same values also provide a positive influence in combatting HIV. For one, San Francisco’s â€Å"progressive thinking and liberal policies†(San Francisco Health Department, 2004, p. 13) also enables individuals infected with HIV to easily gain the support of their friends, families, and communities, which could provide enough encouragement for them to adopt healthier lifestyles. San Francisco’s openness and diversity also allow individuals to create and live their own lifestyles with minimal pressure to conform to dominant beliefs and values which could help individuals avoid popular but negative influences on lifestyle choices. Likewise, the liberal culture within many communities enables individuals to seek support from peers such as the gay community when one’s own family displays reluctance to provide support to the individual affected by HIV. Clearly, HIV intervention programs could utilize the existence of positive social support structures in a society in order to successfully combat HIV. At the same time, these programs must be able to address and mitigate the negative influence of an individual’s social support network, including the values and attitudes of friends or family members which discourage an individual from changing his or her lifestyle to reduce HIV risk and exposure. Works Cited: San Francisco Department of Public Health. (2004). 2004 San Francisco HIV prevention plan. Retrieved February 5, 2009, from http://sfhiv. org/documents/Complete2004SanFranciscoHIVPreventionPlan. pdf Zierler, S. & Krieger, (1997). Reframing women’s risk: social inequalities and HIV infection. Annual Review of Public Health 18:401–36.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Unethical Research Arnuang Bullie RES/351 Jeff Duncan November 9, 2012 In this paper I will try and discuss the unethical business research conduct that has resulted in individuals or a firm being convicted, or at least tried for, this conduct. Some questions will be what were the inappropriate questions, what were the research results, and who was involved in the maintaining of the participants’ confidential information, and were there any acts involving the use of participant information for unintended purposes such as selling goods or services. What unethical research behavior was involved? The company I have researched is DynCorp. There was an article on this company earlier this year about DynCorp and Sex trafficking. DynCorp is a Private Military Company who gets paid by governments to protect areas, and is likely to take on the same roles as soldiers. Many times these companies are looked at lightly and not really researched. * Who were the injured parties? While workin g in Bosnia middle aged men were having sex with 12-15 year old children, and sold them to each other as slaves.According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuit filed in Texas on behalf of a former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, â€Å"in the latter part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorp were engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] were purchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating in other immoral acts. Johnston witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally buying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment, and employees would brag about the various ages and talents of the individual slaves they had purchased†(O'Meara, 2002). How has the unethical behavior affected the organization, the individual, and society? In the summer of 2005, the United States Defense department drafted a proposal to prohibit defense contractor involvement in human trafficking for forced pro stitution and labor. Several defense contractors, among others, DynCorp, stalled the establishment of a final proposal that would formally prohibit defense contractor involvement in these activities. On June 2, 2000, members of the 48th Military Police Detachment conducted a sting on the DynCorp hangar at Comanche Base Camp, one of two U.S. bases in Bosnia, and all DynCorp personnel were detained for questioning. (O'Meara, 2002). * How could the unethical behavior be avoided or resolved? Since these allegations were raised more than a decade ago, the Company has changed ownership and leadership; developed a strict Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, which includes a zero tolerance policy on human trafficking; created the position of Chief Compliance Officer; introduced global training programs; and has taken a number of steps to ensure a compliant, ethical, successful workplace.It is both good and commendable that DynCorp has taken steps since those days to ensure such things never happen again (Isenberg, 2012). These situations are hard to know if they are going to happen but, by putting the strict Code of Ethics and Business Conduct in place should help regulate what else goes on. References Isenberg, D. (2012, February 10). The DynCorp â€Å"See no Evil†Monkey. Huffington Post, p. . O'Meara, K. P. (2002, January). US: DynCorp Disgrace. Insight Magazine, ().
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